Snap to it! Volume 2
Alphabetical Listing
Activate Prior Knowledge (APK)
Materials Needed: Method to project overarching theme and foundational concepts (e.g., chalkboard, dry erase board, PowerPoint Slides)
Before introducing a new concept/subject matter, review requisite knowledge previously mastered that lays the foundation for the new material.
Students shout out concepts that they have previously mastered or related to the topic or word/concept on the board/screen.
Students can also share personal connections/experiences with the topic.
Faculty can model making connections through "thinking aloud" and showing connections between concepts.
Offer prompts for connecting text to self, text to the real world.
Limit discussion to 5 minutes.
Set a timer.
(Free stopwatch timer:
Affective Response
If a sensitive topic is being discussed, a journal entry may be used, or note cards provided.
Students can react to all topics taught in class. To facilitate the discussion of their feelings:
Create pairs of students (neighbor, count-off, or self-select a partner).
Students share their individual's feelings about the topic/concept being addressed during the session.
Students then discuss with one another how the topic relates to the field of study.
Encourage students to share facts, personal opinions, or personal beliefs about the topic.
Alternatively, if a sensitive subject:
Students write down/journal their individual's feelings about the topic/concept being addressed during the session.
Anonymous Notes
Materials Needed: Index cards
Just before the end of class, the instructor asks students to write "one thing you'd like to tell me about the class" or, alternatively, the topic covered.
Submit the card/sheet as students exit the room.
Remind the students to provide constructive feedback that suggests improvements to make the course better when leaving notes for the instructor.
Hint: Remind students to use blue or black ink so it can truly be anonymous.
Materials Needed: scrap paper
Divide students into groups of 4.
Given a specific problem, identify the individual steps used to solve the problem (e.g., what are the steps to perform a particular psychomotor skill or order of steps required to balance an equation).
Alternatively, ask students to develop a specific narrative that intertwines items to be remembered about the global concept, using a story-telling format.
Goal Ranking & Matching
Materials Needed: journal or scrap of paper
On a sheet of paper or in the student journal, compose 3 learning goals pertaining to the current content being studied.
Students list 3 study techniques that will build individual mastery of the content.
Next, have students set aside specified time dedicated to that study strategy.
Ask students to share goals and/or study methods as a means of finding potential study partners (virtual or in face-to-face).
Minute Paper
Materials Needed: Index Cards
Students answer 2 questions:
What was the most important thing you learned during this class?
What important question remains unanswered?
Have students leave the index cards at the door when they leave.
Use the index cards to inform future class sessions.
Material Needed: Prepared list of statements, either factual or opinion-based. Intended to uncover prior knowledge or beliefs that may hinder or block new learning; can be designed to uncover incorrect or incomplete knowledge, attitudes, or values.
Students can react to a statement and say if they agree or disagree with the statement presented.
Address the statement as being true/false and debrief as to why students have misconceptions about the topic.
Added Technology: Have students respond through a polling system to get their true reactions about the content. If recording from a source, then you can check student answers.
Pair, Share, Repeat
An alternative to Think-Pair-Share.
Students pair and share about the given topic/concept.
Once they have shared, students then find another person with whom to explain what they just learned.
Students can then share out to the group at large.
Pause Procedure
Stop instructing momentarily.
Give students time to catch up, organize work/thoughts, and work on class notes.
Hint: This also allows students to think of questions during the session.
Persuade a Friend
Pose a question to students in such a way that students are anticipated to express differing opinions.
Have students divide to one side of the room for one opinion and the other side for the other.
Pair with another student who has the opposite opinion on the topic.
Set a timer and give each student the same amount of time to try to persuade the partner to the opposing opinion.
Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Materials Needed: Index cards or prepared cards with quiz questions
Students work in pairs to generate a flashcard with questions and answers (each student has a card and develops a question and answer with the assistance of a peer).
These two students trade cards with each other.
Every student pairs with a different student. Each new dyad asks each other to answer the question on the card, before trading cards. Next, each student circulates to find another partner to repeat the question/answer and trade activity.
Continue until time is up.
Pass cards forward; the instructor asks the class for answers and provides clarifying information as necessary.
Variation: Students place terms on one card and definition on a second card. Each student takes one card and walks around the room to find the matching term/definition. Trade cards with another pair of students each time a match is made.
Alternative: Faculty provides cards with assigned concepts/questions to be answered by students.
(Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect and Comment) -
Materials Needed: Scrap paper, index cards
Students write brief statements that recall, summarize, question, connect and comment on meaningful points from a previous class.
Recall: Make a list of all the items that the student knows about the topic, then rank the top 3-5 points and rank order them from most important to least.
Summarize: Take the rank-ordered list and make a sentence from the top points.
Question: Write one or two questions that you still have about the topic.
Connect: Explain in one or two sentences your summary to the overall content of the course.
Comment: Write an evaluative comment about the session. A sentence starter could be: "What I enjoyed most/least was..." or "What I found most/least useful was…"
Reflective Summary
Materials Needed: Scrap paper if desired
Have students get into pairs.
In the pair, students work to summarize what has been learned in class thus far that day.
Have students parse the written summary down to one or two sentences to be shared out to the class.
Added Technology: Have students share their responses through PollEverywhere or GoSoapBox to collect student responses.
Resource Referral
Pause during the lesson. Have students identify what learning needs that they have and where they might seek out resources.
Note: This could be for extra tutoring on a subject or maybe some mental health opportunities if needed too.
Hint: Have a list of campus and community resources available for students.
Send a Problem
Materials needed: Prepared cases/problems posed by faculty printed on an envelope
Divide students into groups
Present each group with an envelope outline a case study or problem
Students discuss potential solutions and develop one resolution. The group recorder writes the solution on a piece of paper and inserts the proposed solution in the envelope.
At the end of the allotted time, student groups exchange envelope with a second group.
Without looking in the envelope, the second group repeats the process by addressing a potential solution to the problem. Record the possible solution and place it in the envelope.
One last time pass the envelope to the 3rd and final group of students.
This time, students open the envelope and discuss how to synthesize the answers or incorporate additional ideas from group 3 into a combination answer with solutions offered by groups 1 & 2. Group 3 reports out to the class.
This technique provides students with a few problems and asks them to state or write the principle that best applies to each problem.
Small-Group Instructional Diagnoses (SGIDs)
Have students get into groups of 4.
Allow students 2 minutes to compare what people are struggling with within small groups.
Set a timer. (Free stopwatch timer:
Students share out the top issues for the faculty member to reteach or touch upon again.
Text a Friend
Materials Needed: Students will need to use their cellular telephone.
Pose a question to the class.
Ask students to pull out their phones and send a text message to a friend. Instruct students to tell the friend that as they have a question for their class and let them know the answer, students then text a friend and ask that person to answer a question.
Have students share out the answers from their friends as they are coming in from their texts.
If that person does not know the answer, they are encouraged to suggest someone who might know the information.
Top Ten
Have students brainstorm ideas about the given content/topic.
Students create a top ten list of facts/ideas about the given topic.
Students share out their top ten facts/ideas about the topic.